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Get published on the Awaken Healers blog

Share your knowledge and wisdom with an audience of 1 million monthly
readers dedicated to personal growth

Share transformative ideas in personal growth for improving the mind, body, and soul – or voice an important message the world needs to hear. Educate and inspire over 15 million people in the Awaken Healers community who are passionate about improving every area of their life.


What should I write about?

You can find a list of topics we publish in our Application Guide, also accessible from our Application Form. Please only write about a given topic if you have expertise on it or personal experience that can help others. The more specific you get, the better it will serve your readers.

What happens after I submit my article?

Our team of editors will review your submission and if you’re selected, we will get in touch with you. We reserve the rights to make editorial changes to articles in order to improve their quality and readability.

How often can I submit articles?

You can submit articles as often as you like, but we encourage you to only send us your best work that you’re truly proud of.

Can I submit content that’s already been published on another site?

Please don’t submit content that has been published anywhere else – including your own blog – or any piece of content that’s part of another article. 
Once your work is published on the Mindvalley blog, you may post it on your own blog and link it to the Mindvalley blog as the original source.

Is this a paid opportunity?

No, it’s not. It’s an opportunity for talented writers to build their authority and showcase their thoughts and expertise on our platform to over a half-million readers every month.

When can I expect to hear from you?

We read every submission, but we are a small staff of editors so we might not be able to personally get back to each of you. If your article has been selected, we’ll get back to you within 30 days.

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